
The tech business landscape changes continuously. Technology is advancing all the time, and in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards home, remote and hybrid working. These changes have created new challenges for tech businesses either looking more into recruiting contract professionals or retain permanent staff.

Choosing the right staffing solutions for your business is critical for maintaining high levels of performance, balancing the books and delivering effective services to customers and clients. In today’s competitive tech industry, it’s important to explore staffing options and find the best hiring solutions based on your business needs.

This guide will discuss key factors to consider when creating a recruitment strategy, share tips for finding the right options for your company, and highlight the pros and cons of various staffing solutions.

Understanding Your Business Needs

Understanding your business needs is critical to identify the most effective staffing solutions. Different companies have different requirements. There is no one-size-fits-all staffing solution. Your hiring strategy should reflect your business objectives, culture, needs and preferences.

There are various factors to consider, including:

      The type of business and the nature of your work: for example, A fintech business, a financial services business and an investment management company will each have nuances that need to be addressed when hiring IT staff.  

      The size and scale of the company

      The stage: Startups may have very different needs from scale-up companies and established, international businesses.

      Your budget and road map

Types of Staffing Solutions

Staffing is evolving and business owners now have a diverse range of hiring options to choose from. Here are the main types of staffing solutions you may be considering as a hiring manager:

  1. Temporary and contract staffing

Statistics show that there are currently over 2.6 million temporary workers in the US (source). Temporary and contract staffing offers benefits for seasonal businesses, growing companies and startups that may have a limited budget. This type of staffing solution can be cost-effective, especially at the beginning when companies are building client bases or completeing a short-term project.

Offering short-term contracts is also advantageous during busy periods when businesses want to save time or capitalise on an increase in sales. Temporary staffing also offers greater flexibility for businesses, enabling them to be agile and scale up or down faster.

  1. Contingent recruitment

Contingency recruitment involves using recruitment agencies to fill vacancies. In this case, the company will pay the agency once they have found a suitable candidate. Contingent recruitment helps streamline the recruitment process and frees up time for busy business owners. The agency takes care of advertising jobs, going through applications and identifying the best candidates.

Working with recruitment agencies offers businesses a broad spectrum of advantages, including saving businesses time and making connections with talented individuals looking for jobs. Experienced agents can help you tap into new talent pools for specialist hires and multi-hires, as well as permanent staff.

Building lasting relationships with reputable agencies is also beneficial for helping companies to hire individuals who share their values, and connect employers and business owners with skilled personnel with whom they’ve already worked with.

  1. Permanent staffing

In May 2024, there were almost 134 million permanent employees in the US (source). Permanent staffing is less flexible than temporary staffing, but it can contribute to superior employee retention and loyalty, boost morale, encourage professional development and offer long-term stability for both company and candidate. For tech firms, encouraging loyalty is incredibly beneficial, as it’s difficult to attract top talent amid a global skills shortage.

The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that over 90% of organisations will be impacted by the global IT skills gap by 2026 (source). Filling vacancies with permanent staff can help to boost talent acquisition, bridge skills gaps and create a more stable, settled and productive workplace environment.

According to McKinsey, 56% of tech professionals say that career progression is a priority to them when considering joining a company, with a further 47% undertaking training and dvelopment outside of work to progress in there organisations. 

Hiring a recruitment agency is extremely beneficial when filling permanent roles, as agents get to know the company and make an extensive effort to understand the ethos and culture of your business. They use their skills and experience to match individuals with suitable roles and employers.

Recruitment agents can also save companies money on training and onboarding by getting new hires up to speed faster, or with the right experience to minimize delays.

  1. Multi-hire projects

Multi-hire projects involve recruiting multiple individuals across different departments or teams. These staff can be temporary or permanent. This type of staffing solution is effective for growing businesses and companies that need flexible and scalable options. If you have skills shortages on your team, or are planning a multi dicipline project, you might also benefit from multi-hire projects.


  1. Managed services

Outsourcing has become increasingly popular in recent years. For many businesses, both new and established, accessing managed services is a way to reduce costs, access skills and services if you don’t have in-house staff and want to elevate performance levels. This solution involves working with external agencies and third parties.

You pay the business or individual to provide services rather than hiring them. Outsourcing provides flexibility and it can be a very cost-effective alternative to recruiting staff, but it’s not always the best solution. For core roles and services, for example, hiring permanent staff is often a better option.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Staffing Solutions

It’s important to consider the following factors when choosing staffing solutions for your business:


All businesses have budgets. As a company owner, you want to search for cost-effective solutions, which enable you to deliver excellent services within your budget and optimise ROI (return on investment). For some businesses, permanent staffing works best. For others, flexible solutions are more cost-effective. Research costs, get quotes and analyse financial data before you decide.


It’s important to consider the size and scale of your company when choosing staffing solutions and evaluate future plans and goals. Look for scalable solutions that will grow with your business.

      Expertise and skills

When researching and comparing staffing solutions, consider your business needs in terms of expertise, talent acquisition and skill sets. It’s essential to look for solutions that align with your requirements and objectives. For example in the tech industry, choose a recruitment agency or team that specialise in the tech industry, as this will produce the best results and lower churn in the mid-long term.

      Employee retention

Different types of staffing solutions can impact employee retention and loyalty. Permanent employees tend to stay in jobs for longer because of a companies benefits, compensation, learning and development iniatives and career progression structure. High retention rates and low staff turnover can enhance brand reputation, save money and boost team morale. Retention is a pressing issue for US and European employers. Studies show that up to:

28% of US workers could quit their jobs in 2024 (source).
EU data showed that 1 in 3 workers considered leaving their jobs in 2022 (source).

      Compliance and legal considerations

If you’re considering different staffing solutions, make sure you understand employment laws and regulations in different regions. Recruitment agencies can help you optimise your hiring process to find talented candidates while saving time and money, assisting with relocation if new employees are moving for the job and taking care of legal aspects and compliance.

We actually have an array of relocation guides containing all the essential information needed to consider moving to a new work location with confidence.


Best Practices for Implementing Staffing Solutions

If you’re adapting your staffing structure or hiring new temporary or permanent staff, here are some best practice workforce management guidelines to follow:

  1. Communicate clearly with your existing team
  2. Implement an effective, targeted recruitment strategy
  3. Consult with a reputable recruitment agency to streamline and optimise your recruitment process
  4. Choose candidates who share your company’s values and goals
  5. Draw up a tailored onboarding strategy
  6. Encourage quick, seamless integration by organising regular meetings, providing comprehensive training for new staff and planning team activities and social events
  7. Help new starters to settle by providing opportunities to shadow colleagues
  8. Boost employee engagement by building strong teams, championing inclusivity and rewarding loyalty and achievement
  9. Monitor performance levels continuously and address problems and weaknesses
  10. Talk to your staff: Ask for feedback, ideas and suggestions
  11. Adjust your staffing and recruitment strategy as your objectives and needs evolve


Choosing the right staffing solutions is essential for all tech businesses. From tech startups to global brands, it’s critical to make the right decisions. Always consider your business needs and objectives when analysing options and drawing up plans to add new employees, hire temporary staff or use external agencies. For tailored advice, it’s beneficial to work with reputable, experienced recruitment agencies.

Hiring an agency can help you access larger talent pools, speed up the hiring process, free up time and identify candidates who are a good match for your company.

If you are planning on hiring IT professionals in the near future, please feel free to reach out and tell us a bit more about your project. We will be happy to offer our advice. You can submit your vacancy here and we can have a relevant consultant get back to you.

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