Scala is being used more and more frequently. It’s a functional programming and scripting language, but what makes it unique is the coexistence of features of both functional and object-oriented programming. Due to the increase in use of this language, Scala developers are becoming much more needed.


The Two Sides

There are two sides to the story when we’re dealing with Scala developer interviews. On one side, there is a rising demand for the professional figures, and being able to recognize a proficient Scala developer is crucial to companies. But so is preparing for an interview if you’re a developer.

Whenever you face an interview about Scala, no matter which side of the desk you sit at, there are some questions you’ll have to keep in mind. Keep reading for our sample interview questions.


What Is Scala, Scala Sets And Scala Maps?

When we’re talking about Scala, what really differentiates it among the other developing languages is the concise manner Scala expresses solutions in. This is due to the fusion of functional and object-oriented programming languages.


A Scala set is a collection of elements in pairs of the same typology, which can’t contain duplicate elements. A Scala set can be mutable or immutable.


A Scala map is a collection of key or of pairs inside one particular value. It’s possible to understand any value when you have its key. It’s important to remember that the keys are unique in the maps, while the values are not, so it’s not possible to retrieve a key, starting from its value.

An object is just a singleton, a particular example of a class, while a class is in fact a description for the objects. The class defines one type in relation to the others - like a blueprint of the object.


What Are The Advantages Of Working With Scala?

Due to its conciseness, Scala usually presents a high scalability and a high testability. Programs written with Scala are also very easy to maintain and they are usually more productive than the others.


But the key feature of Scala is its functional style, which is much less prone to errors. This is not all either – Scala provides many features of the other programming languages as well.


Is Scala Better Than Other Programming Languages?

Not always. Other programming languages have different features that will make them the best in other fields. But in some ways Scala is actually better. The arrays, for example, use regular generics, whereas in other languages the generics are bolted on later, as an afterthought.


Scala also leaves “if blocks”, “code” and “for-yield loops” in braces when there is the need to return a value. This way is usually preferable because it solves the need for a separate ternary operator. Scala, moreover, doesn’t have a boilerplate code, and it has native tuples.


Let’s Talk About It

These are the questions we believe to be fundamental, whether interviewing a Scala developer or if you are one. We know that there are more topics that could be addressed, but these are the ones that you can’t miss from any Scala developer interview. But we would love to hear your opinion. We are a friendly team and we’re ready to learn from you.


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