With all the talk of skills shortages and technological advancements it’s easy to think that you’ll be able to walk into a role in the tech industry no problem.

But those trying to find their new role will be quick to talk about the high level of competition and the fast-pace of the job hunt right now.  

That’s why it’s time to rethink your job search, because armed with the right strategies and knowledge it is possible to dig into those tech job adverts and secure your dream role within the industry.

Understanding the industry 

While the tech industry exists as one, underneath the surface there are different silos and specialties which all require different skills and qualifications. Taking the time to research the industry as a whole and then to focus on one or two areas will help you to narrow down your options.  

Before we dig into specifics, there are a few sector wide factors to understand.

The UK remains the number 3 tech ecosystem in the world, which is fuelling the level of competition we’re seeing right now. The industry already employs more than 2 million people and that will keep growing with 61% of managers planning to hire for new roles in the next 12 months 

But competition, as we’ve mentioned, is fierce for these positions. Interest from non-UK residents in UK based technological positions has increased 146%. That’s in addition to the 64% of existing tech workers who have stated an interest in looking for a new position in the next year. 


Emerging trends shaping technology  

The other major factor shaping the industry are the new and emerging technologies. These innovations shape demand within the industry and, particularly for those looking to move into the sector, experience and knowledge of them will influence any hiring decisions. 

  • AI

The UK AI market is worth more than £16.8 billion and that’s set to significantly grow by 2035. AI is an area which is still in its infancy but those with knowledge of this emerging technology will find themselves in demand.  

  • Cloud computing 

Cloud Engineers are regularly in the list of the most in-demand tech jobs in the UK. This technology is shaping how businesses operate making it an essential business service.  

  • Cybersecurity 

31% of businesses have undertaken cyber security risk assessments in the last year. This shift towards proactive cyber security management will result in an increased demand for experts in this area. 


Successfully navigate your job search 

Understanding the tech industry is only one piece of the puzzle. For those trying to navigate securing a position within the industry there are strategies that you can deploy to increase your success rate. 

1. Do your research 

Many job hunters take the quantity over quality approach. But taking time to do your due diligence and research will stand you in good stead in the long run. When reviewing job adverts ask yourself if the role genuinely interests you? Does it offer career opportunities? Do you align with the values and style of the advert? Have you researched the business to see what they do and how they operate? 

Understanding the answers to those questions will help shape your application or may change your decision to apply for the role. Either way it means you’ll only be applying for roles that you’re truly passionate about, and passion is a big part of succeeding in the technology industry. 

2. Tailor your approach 

In the same way that you shouldn’t apply for everything, you shouldn’t use a standard application. Take your research from the first step and use it to tailor everything for the application from your CV to your covering letter to any supplementary information necessary.  

Hone in on the core elements of the advert and show how you align with them. Remember that many businesses and recruiters use AI tools to process applications and these can sometimes struggle to read Canva or designed CVs. Our advice is to stick to a simple document. 

3. Build a portfolio 

Actions speak louder than words. The same goes for demonstrating your skills. Create a portfolio that highlights the projects you’ve worked on and any practical projects from courses or qualifications.  

This allows you to showcase areas of interest and specialisms along with projects that didn’t fit in with your wider CV. 

4. Widen your job search 

There are so many ways to find out about new positions these days that relying solely on job boards will mean you miss out on key opportunities.  

  • Build your online personal brand through platforms like LinkedIn. 

  • Network with others in the industry at events and conferences, or through existing colleagues and friends.  

  • Talk to recruitment agencies specialising in the technology sector and build connections. 

Keep your eyes open for opportunities to build relationships with those working for your target companies or those already in the positions you’d like to work in. Building a strong network will set you up not just for your next opportunity but for your whole career. 

5. Develop your skills 

The technology sector is always innovating. You’ve never learned everything there is about one topic. That means choosing to work in this sector is choosing to commit to lifelong learning. Even before you secure a position you should be developing your skills and furthering your knowledge.   

Being able to evidence your proactive approach to personal development in applications and interviews reinforces your credentials and passion for the industry. 

There’s no denying the level of competition in the technology industry when it comes to new positions. But for those with the tenacity, passion and strategic approach there are ways to discover the right opportunity and to kick start your career in technology. 

Are you currently in the market for a career defining tech role? See our jobs search for available tech roles here. 

Be sure to follow our Linkedin page for the latest in technology jobs, blogs and news.


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